Cubs - 8 to 11 Year Olds
In the 65th Toronto Cub Pack, the youth play games, do crafts and learn how to earn badges during the weekly 7-8:30 p.m. Monday evening meetings in the gym at Roncesvalles United Church.
Along the way, Cubs learn how to take care of themselves and work as a team – and most importantly have a lot of fun!
With the Cub motto of "Do Your Best" front and centre, Cubs are encouraged to try new and more challenging activities. Learning important first aid skills, paddling a canoe for the first time, or leading a game at camp will open the door for Cubs to try other adventures they never thought possible.*
Along the way, Cubs learn how to take care of themselves and work as a team – and most importantly have a lot of fun!
With the Cub motto of "Do Your Best" front and centre, Cubs are encouraged to try new and more challenging activities. Learning important first aid skills, paddling a canoe for the first time, or leading a game at camp will open the door for Cubs to try other adventures they never thought possible.*